Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thought of the day

The Deadly Sin of Lust

“Why is lust such a deadly sin? Well, in addition to the completely Spirit-destroying impact it has upon our souls, I think it is a sin because it defiles the highest and holiest relationship God gives us in mortality—the love that a man and a woman have for each other and the desire that couple has to bring children into a family intended to be forever.”

Jeffrey R. Holland, “Place No More for the Enemy of My Soul,” Ensign, May 2010, 44

Jeffrey R. Holland was exactly right. I found this on under the YSA thought of teh day lol I know, I'm so clever...

Having a lustful heart just gets people in trouble. I have had several relationships where lust and physical attraction has been a leading cause to why we got in so much trouble and why we wound up breaking up or having troubles in our friendships.

So, from here on out, that will NOT be the case. I want things to be right, and I want to take things slow and be patient...

It's totally worth the wait! I know it is! This is why I've decided to be strong and do what I know what is right.

Now as most of you know, I have a terrible time being patient, but this past Sunday in Relief Society in a famliy ward in Augusta, we talked about Pres. Uchtdorf's talk from the Priesthood session of this past conference on having patience. I have had more patience lately then I have EVER had..and I know it's because I've prayed for help time and time again and Heavenly Father has been listening to my prayers. Instead of constantly wanting to jump from one thing to another, I have a feeling that what I've been so patient for and will continue to be patient for, is something worth the wait. 

His whole talk on patience was so good....but I'm just going to quote one segment of it, so bear with me...

The Path of Patience

Nevertheless, it is not a quick fix or an overnight cure.

A friend of mine recently wrote to me, confiding that he was having a difficult time keeping his testimony strong and vibrant. He asked for counsel.

I wrote back to him and lovingly suggested a few specific things he could do that would align his life more closely with the teachings of the restored gospel. To my surprise, I heard back from him only a week later. The essence of his letter was this: “I tried what you suggested. It didn’t work. What else have you got?”

Brothers and sisters, we have to stay with it. We don’t acquire eternal life in a sprint—this is a race of endurance. We have to apply and reapply the divine gospel principles. Day after day we need to make them part of our normal life.

Too often we approach the gospel like a farmer who places a seed in the ground in the morning and expects corn on the cob by the afternoon. When Alma compared the word of God to a seed, he explained that the seed grows into a fruit-bearing tree gradually, as a result of our “faith, and [our] diligence, and patience, and long-suffering.”6 It’s true that some blessings come right away: soon after we plant the seed in our hearts, it begins to swell and sprout and grow, and by this we know that the seed is good. From the very moment we set foot upon the pathway of discipleship, seen and unseen blessings from God begin to attend us.

But we cannot receive the fulness of those blessings if we “neglect the tree, and take no thought for its nourishment.”7

Knowing that the seed is good is not enough. We must “nourish it with great care, that it may get root.”8 Only then can we partake of the fruit that is “sweet above all that is sweet, and … pure above all that is pure” and “feast upon this fruit even until [we] are filled, that [we] hunger not, neither shall [we] thirst.”9

Discipleship is a journey. We need the refining lessons of the journey to craft our character and purify our hearts. By patiently walking in the path of discipleship, we demonstrate to ourselves the measure of our faith and our willingness to accept God’s will rather than ours."

This applies to our daily lives, we must be patient and do what is asked of us, and in return, we will be incredibly blessed.

We can't just go throughout our lives wishing and hoping for things NOW, we need to strive and work hard for it.

I'm not really sure why I'm going on and on about patience, I guess it's just because even in these past few months I have seen the blessings that being patient has brought me...So many!!

Anyways, I love the gospel, and I love everything it is to me...if given the chance again, I would choose to be a Latter-day saint member and do it all over again (well,just the good stuff :P ). Don't ever take our Heavenly Father's love for granted, he knows what He's doing and knows what is best for his children (us). This I KNOW to be true.

And, on that note...have a great day everyone!

I love y'all!!!