Tonight I had the privilege to speak with my branch president. He asked me to bare my testimony on how I feel about our Savior Jesus Christ...
There is no doubt in my mind that our Savior loves us. When I think of my Father in Heaven, I know that he doesn't want anything more than for his children to come home to him and say "I'm finally home" and embrace Him in a warm hug. My brother, Jesus Christ, went through a lot for my exaltation. He made it possible for us to repent and become completely pure again in order to be with our Father in Heaven once again. When I think of all the pain and all the suffering he did just for me alone, I can't help but feel a pure, deep and appreciative love for Him. My agony and my grief if nothing compared to what he went through! Because of him, I can wipe my slate completely clean and move on and live my life without worry and shame.
Can you imagine going through the worst agony possible, just so others don't have to go through it as well later on?
I know I can't.
When I think of my Savior, I think of how I feel when I see my dad. I only see my dad about once a year, but his hugs are worth the wait. I think of my life and how hard it is, but then I think of the end result. My life is like that long plane ride to Utah..I'm so eager, but I know that if I'm patient, the plane will land in Salt Lake City with my dad waiting for me, arms wide open and awaiting my hug. I know that I can't rush things in life. Life is a process, we are made to make mistakes and then repent and try to do better...if we are patient and do as we're told, our Father in Heaven and our loving brother, our Savior, Jesus Christ will be waiting for us, arms wide open and awaiting our hug.
If we are repentant and are humble and follow the teachings of the gospel, life is SO much easier..and in the end, everything falls into perfect place and our eternal result is something that won't just be something to look forward to, but something to obtain and cherish.
After I bore my testimony, I was asked to read a talk from this past General Conference...It's by Elder Holland, and there are some things I just felt I really needed to share with those who missed G.C. this past April..
Place No More for the Enemy of My Soul
Whether we be single or married, young or old, let’s talk for a moment about how to guard against temptation in whatever form it may present itself. We may not be able to cure all of society’s ills today, but let’s speak of what some personal actions can be.- • Above all, start by separating yourself from people, materials, and circumstances that will harm you. As those battling something like alcoholism know, the pull of proximity can be fatal. So too in moral matters. Like Joseph in the presence of Potiphar’s wife,just run—run as far away as you can get from whatever or whoever it is that beguiles you. And please, when fleeing the scene of temptation, do not leave a forwarding address.
- • Acknowledge that people bound by the chains of true addictions often need more help than self-help, and that may include you. Seek that help and welcome it. Talk to your bishop. Follow his counsel. Ask for a priesthood blessing. Use the Church’s Family Services offerings or seek other suitable professional help. Pray without ceasing. Ask for angels to help you.
- • Along with filters on computers and a lock on affections, remember that the only real control in life is self-control. Exercise more control over even the marginal moments that confront you. If a TV show is indecent, turn it off. If a movie is crude, walk out. If an improper relationship is developing, sever it. Many of these influences, at least initially, may not technically be evil, but they can blunt our judgment, dull our spirituality, and lead to something that could be evil. An old proverb says that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step,so watch your step.
- • Like thieves in the night, unwelcome thoughts can and do seek entrance to our minds. But we don’t have to throw open the door, serve them tea and crumpets, and then tell them where the silverware is kept! (You shouldn’t be serving tea anyway.) Throw the rascals out! Replace lewd thoughts with hopeful images and joyful memories; picture the faces of those who love you and would be shattered if you let them down. More than one man has been saved from sin or stupidity by remembering the face of his mother, his wife, or his child waiting somewhere for him at home. Whatever thoughts you have, make sure they are welcome in your heart by invitation only. As an ancient poet once said, let will be your reason.
- • Cultivate and be where the Spirit of the Lord is. Make sure that includes your own home or apartment, dictating the kind of art, music, and literature you keep there. If you are endowed, go to the temple as often as your circumstances allow. Remember that the temple arms you “with [God’s] power, … [puts His] glory … round about [you], and [gives His] angels … charge over [you].”And when you leave the temple, remember the symbols you take with you, never to be set aside or forgotten.
Okay, well there's my little thought of the day :)
I really do love y'all...thank you for being that extra strength to me in my low times and helping me get back up and seeing the light. I couldn't have asked for better friends. <3
you're awesome :)
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