"I'm in love! I'm in love! And I don't care who knows it!"-Buddy the Elf couldn't have said it better. :P
I haven't written in a while, but here's an update of what's been going on. :)
My boyfriend, Robert, and I have been together now for about 2 months, and honestly, I can't remember being happier...When I think of him, I lose my breath and when I'm with him, I'm with my best friend and everything fits perfectly in my little world.
He and I have been having so much fun! Every weekend is something new...I met his family 2 weekends ago, and I absolutely fell in love with all of them, what a fun group of people! Robert says I fit in quite nicely :D (Yay!).
This past weekend he invited me up to Hartwell lake with a few of his school friends, and we had such a blast! 3 days of just floating around, watching movies, and eating some amazing food...couldn't get any better. The weekend was finished out with Step Up 3D (which was awesome!) chicken fajitas, sleeping and snuggling, and church.
I was away from him for 2 weeks while I was in Utah and I was having a great time out there with my family and friends, but for someone I am used to seeing only on the weekends, I was SO homesick for him! When I finally saw him again, I couldn't have been happier!
I can't explain it, but it's like everything that he and I have both been through in the past year has brought us even closer together. I've known him for about 4 years now and we had about a year and a half time frame where we didn't talk and during that time frame, we both have had experiences that neither one of us would ever want to go through again, but because of them, he and I became best friends and about 4 months later started dating.
Every little kiss, every little sweet thing he says or does, every hug and every smile he gives me, my heart does a somersault. The more I see him and talk to him, the more we get to know one another, the more I fall in love with him. He's who I want to be with...him and only him.
Ha, I know if Rob were to read this his response would be "Blahh" :P But this is my response to him, "You looove that I love you so much! So....deal with it!" ;)
I could honestly go on and on about how much he's helped me and how happy he makes me, but I guess I'll spare ya. :)
Anyways, as for any other updates, I hope to move in the next 5 months, so keep your fingers crossed that everything works out. Work is still work...school starts back up the end of next month (OH! better get my classes registered! 0_o) 3 more on campus classes then the rest is just online :D I hope that works out
Anyways, I'm off to bed now! :) Another Monday........ yay....
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